Place : Daya Putih Center, Blahbatuh, Gianyar, Bali
INQUIRY : DAYA PUTIH, Andong Street, Ubud.
T: +62 361 975467, T/WA: +62 8783-860-7987(SENA);
+62 895-1323-2525 (SURYA) E- : dayaputih@hotmail.com
Taught Personally by The Brahmin :

Formerly: Kanjeng Madi Kertonegoro.
With His Assistant Raden Bagus Surya Kertonegoro
3 days (2 Night) program :
(12 session,1 ½ hours/session)
* Start date by appointment

THE SASANA (Fields and halls open)
for Daya Putih training

‘Daya’ mean Energy ‘Putih’ means the white, pure, sacred or intuition.
Daya Putih means Sacred, Intuition and Pure Energy, it is heritage from the ancient and mystical knowledge of royal Javanese and Balinese, is based on Shiva Buddha.
Daya Putih teaching is ancient spiritual exercise to creating and generating an-energy field and inner-beauty to repel any inner and outer elements which disturb the balance of hinders personal creativity (non violent self defense).
The participants will stay at the Daya Putih Center, Blahbatuh Village, about 14 km from Ubud Village, which is an inspiring and serene location surrounded by beautiful nature. Students learn to concentrate their mind and breath, to develop a higher level of spiritual and mental awareness.
Practicing Flower Meditation and practicing Daya Putih will develop your pure energy for Beauty & Inner Strength (Non-violent Self Defense) and “Living in the Light of Beauty”.
The Flower Meditation is a meditation system based on the philosophy of beauty. By activating the aspect of beauty within ourselves, our entire body will be flooded with beauty and that will face this life with big smiles. The stages of performing this meditation is very clear and systematic, yet very easy to follow.
DAYA PUTIH Practice Schedule :
07.00 -08.30 am: Surya Sewana (morning praying), Flower Meditation & Spiritual Purification.
09.00-10.00 am: Breakfast.
11.30-12.15 pm: Gayatri Mantra; DP Exercise; Flower Meditation.
12.30-13.30 pm: Lunch.
17.00-18.30 pm: Gayatri Mantra; DP Exercise.
18.45-1945 pm: Dinner.
21.00-22.00 pm: Gayatri Mantra; Flower Meditation
*DP=Daya Putih
I. Beginner Level. Cost: Euro 400; *The Beginner Level, the focus is on Flower Meditation Training.
II. Intermediate Level. Cost: Euro 450. * The focus is on the practice of Wijaya Kusuma (Yoga Sutras of Motion).
III. Advance Level. Cost: Euro 500. * The focus is on Daya Putih practice, and according to ancient tradition, Daya Putih initiation rites are given to open the chakra system in the body.
*Special one day & one night Flower Meditation course, Cost: Euro 250.
*In the courses, the number of participants is minimum two person per-course
and limited to six person per-course.
Cost including:
*Free accommodation/room.
*Free meals: three time a day. -Drinking water
Books of The Flower Meditation as
well as The Inner Beauty & Power
(Wijaya Kusuma) as training
materials can be purchased at:
DAYA PUTIH, Andong Str, Ubud.